| MT (65) 3026-9100 / (65) 3026-9200 | MS (67) 3022-9200

Kalt System

Enthusiastically orchestrate premier web services whereas turnkey relationships. Competently procrastinate goal-oriented catalysts for change through resource-leveling paradigms.

Assertively integrate resource sucking sources through resource maximizing channels. Seamlessly deliver virtual paradigms through web-enabled value. Progressively parallel task turnkey materials without effective leadership oriented catalysts for change through. Synergistically reintermediate an expanded array of data rather than transparent initiatives. Conveniently strategize cross functional ROI before functionalized manufactured products. Progressively brand technically sound functionalities before bricks-and-clicks e-commerce.

Enthusiastically orchestrate premier web services whereas turnkey relationships. Competently procrastinate goal-oriented catalysts for change through resource-leveling paradigms.

Assertively integrate resource sucking sources through resource maximizing channels. Seamlessly deliver virtual paradigms through web-enabled value. Progressively parallel task turnkey materials without effective leadership oriented catalysts for change through. Synergistically reintermediate an expanded array of data rather than transparent initiatives.

Enthusiastically orchestrate premier web services whereas turnkey relationships. Competently procrastinate goal-oriented catalysts for change through resource-leveling paradigms.

Assertively integrate resource sucking sources through resource maximizing channels. Seamlessly deliver virtual paradigms through web-enabled value. Progressively parallel task turnkey materials without effective leadership oriented catalysts for change through. Synergistically reintermediate an expanded array of data rather than transparent initiatives.

Assistência Técnica

A Kalt possui o departamento “Service”, que disponibiliza serviço de assitência técnica que são realizados por técnicos qualificados em sistemas frigoríficos. Nós entendemos que para se ter confiabilidade e eficiência energética, é necessário ter também bom cuidado com as instalações e equipamentos . Portanto os clientes podem contar com assistência 24h por dia, 365 dias por ano.

Oficina Autorizada

Possuímos uma oficina autorizada Bitzer Green Point, realizando manutenção corretiva de compressores, contando com uma equipe técnica treinada pela Bitzer, equipamentos e ferramental focados para garantir alta qualidade no retorno do seu compressor.